Water is as precious as gold. So, it is very important to know how much water should you drink per day?

The Human body consists of 60% of water. Even our bones are 31% watery.

You don’t retain water in your body for a long time. You lose water from your body constantly, when you urinate or sweat.

So, to escape from dehydration, you have to drink water in adequate amounts.

How Much Water Should I Drink?

There are different opinions. But Health experts usually recommend eight 8-ounce glasses of water per day. This amount equals nearly 2 liters or half a gallon. You can call this rule 8 x 8 rule to remember it easily.

You know, some nutritionists believe that you should sip on water always; even though you may not be thirsty.

Well. Whatever it is, it depends on the individual. Many factors would affect your need to drink water.

Let’s pay attention to some facts to find how much water we need as individuals.

Water Intake Affects Energy Level and Brain Function.

Studies indicate that if you don’t stay hydrated every day, your energy level and brain function will be affected badly.

As per a study by Sports Dieticians, if you lose fluid equal to 2% of body mass, your performance decreases. This means 1.4kg loss in a 70kg sports person.

Water Intake Affects Energy Level and Brain Function.

If dehydration is greater than 2% of body weight, there’s an increased chance of nausea, vomiting, gastro-intestinal problems and diarrhea during exercise.

Always remember, even 2% of body weight is quite a significant amount. This is normal when you sweat too much.

Even mild dehydration may affect your physical movement.

Can You Lose Weight by Drinking Lot of Water?

Many claims that increased water intake may reduce your body weight. This will increase your metabolism and diminish your appetite.

If you drink 500 ml (17 ounces) of water, you can boost your metabolism temporarily by 24% – 30%

According to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, this fact has been established.

Also, you can reduce the number of calories you take by drinking water about half an hour before your usual meals. This is especially good for older people.

Another benefit is drinking cold water. Your body needs to expend more calories to heat the water to match your body temperature. So, more calories will be lost.

Anyway, recent facts suggest drinking appropriate amounts of water may affect a significant weight loss. It is better to drink before meals and follow a healthy diet.

Can You Lose Weight by Drinking Lot of Water

Can Water Help Prevent Health Problems?

Drinking adequate amounts of water may alleviate other health problems:

  • Constipation. Increasing water intake may be a solution for constipation.  This is a common problem now.
  • Cancer. Some health experts say people who drink more water are likely to have a lower risk of bladder and colorectal cancer.  But research is still being done to verify this.
  • Arthritis. The pain and discomfort of arthritis vary from person to person.  Water may help keep the joints lubricated.   And your joints are at ease and no friction occurs.  Friction causes pain and discomfort.
  • Kidney Stones. Drinking a lot of water may decrease your risk of getting kidney stones.

Can You Drink Too Much Water?

How do you know that you get enough water to maintain your metabolism at top efficiency? As a norm, you can follow the 8×8 rule.

Anyway, it all depends on your weight and size, your day to day activities and the environment you live in.

As another general rule, you can take between half an ounce and an ounce of water for each pound of your weight.

For example, if your weight is 200 pounds, you can take from 100 ounces to 200 ounces of water daily.

But, if you live in a very hot climate or do exercises a lot, you will need 200 ounces or more depending on your lifestyle.

In a cool comate, your daily intake would be less.

Can You Count on Other Fluids in Addition to Water?

It is not only plane water that would contribute to your fluid level in your body. Other drinks and foods will also have a remarkable effect.

Some people think that drinks containing caffeine like coffee or tea don’t keep you hydrated because caffeine is a diuretic.

But the diuretic effect in these beverages is very weak. So, these beverages can still keep you hydrated to some extent.

Also, most of the foods contain water. Fish, eggs, meat, fruits and vegetables contain a considerable amount of water.

Check out this article to find more about water rich foods.

Coffee, tea and other water rich foods can help you hydrate for a better living.

Watery Foods

Pay Attention to Your Thirst – It’s There for a Reason.

Your survival in this world depends on how well you maintain your water balance.

The human body includes a sophisticated system to regulate how and when you should drink water.

When your bodily fluid goes below a certain level, thirst kicks in as a signal. You need to obey this.

This regulation system is something like breathing. You don’t need to think of breathing. It happens naturally unless you are not sick.


Most of the people don’t need to worry about water intake. The thirst makes them go for it unconsciously.

Many busy people often tend to neglect this signal and ignore this thirst. This is bad my friend.

But some circumstances would demand that you drink more water than usual or the so-called 8×8 rule.

Exercises and hot weather during a dry climate will make you sweat more. In such circumstances, you should take more water than usual. Athletes will have to use electrolytes with their daily intake of water.

Also, breastfeeding mothers and patients suffering from diseases such as vomiting and diarrhea should take water more often than usual.

Overall, plane and pure water is the life sustaining element for the human body as well as the animals.  Rather than asking, “How much water should I drink?” just pay attention to your thirsty signals.  Not only your thirst, but think well of the circumstances that demand more water consumption.